Thursday, September 18, 2008

Turn weaknesses into your strengths

Class this morning was with Uylssis. He incorperated some Spanish into the dialogue, and his dialogue was spot on, loved it. He is from Mexico City and I really enjoyed his class. The class was topped off with the sound of about a dozen people puking in the back of the room, what a beautiful start to the day. After class was more half moon. Line up had been long and everyone has been so good, so I haven’t gone yet. I know my stuff so waiting an extra day or until the evening is not going to kill me. We got let go at 4 to prepare for 5 o’clock class with Bikram. I lied down for twenty minutes to allow my body to totally relax for a bit. Bikram taught a 90 minute class. Bikram told us that his easiest classes are the 2 hour classes cause they are nice and slow and lots of time for rest. I personally think the 90 minute classes are way better, just keep me going and lets pound this thing out. There was great energy in the room tonight, everyone was moving together. It was raining when we got out so it was nice and cool, and there was no one on the beach so it was nice.
Eleni and I ordered pizza for supper from downstairs. I was still hungry so I filled up on a peanut butter sandwich before heading down to posture clinic. When Bikram arrived he told us why he doesn’t like the color green and why we aren’t allowed to wear it.
We than proceeded with more posture clinic, with an interruption to watch Bikrams 60 minutes interview from a couple years ago. Posture clinic went until midnight, then straight to bed.


Rox said...

Hi Melissa, soon Week 1 will be over! Congratulations on getting thru it. If at all possible, say Half Moon today (Friday). Do whatever it takes to get yourself in that line. It will make a world of difference for your weekend. Your entries sound very positive (!). Enjoy it all as much as you can - this is a once in a lifetime thing. People said that to us and many of us couldn't quite get it. I think you will be able to. =) Things will speed up but with your attitude, I think you'll be fine! Enjoy your weekend!!
~Roxanne (Sp'08)

Duffy Pratt said...

Other people in other years have mentioned the green aversion as well. But nothing I've seen has actually ever given the explanation. I know you have other things to do (and I'm really enjoying your blog), but if you have some time, could you give the explanation?