Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mind over the matter

This mornings class was taught by the Dallas, Texas studio owner, I don’t remember his name. That is bad because I had him for posture clinic in the afternoon too. This mornings class felt a bit cooler but more humid. It might have felt cooler because I was sweating so much more, I am feeling a little more hydrated in the mornings. I have been waking up at 6:30 in the morning to go to the bathroom. So I go and then before I lie back down I chug half a liter of water, seems to be working. It might be working almost too well because I had to go to the bathroom soooooo bad during the AM class I couldn’t think about anything else, maybe that’s why it was such a good class. Before class the instructor talked to us and assured us that they are working to get the room fixed. They are trying to bring more fresh air into the room so it is efficient enough for 400 people. He also assured us that Bikram storming out of class was not part of the “script”. In all the years teachers have been coming to training they have never seen Bikram leave in the middle of a class, they were as shocked and scared as us about the lecture last night. He also asked us to dedicate our class to Bikram, so with that said we all worked together and rocked it out.
The teacher also told us that last night people were so determined to stay in the room when Bikram was on his rant that they did things they normally wouldn’t do. One person actually peed on their mat because they didn’t want to leave. Another person went to the back of the room to puke and when he realized the buckets were outside, he actually swallowed the puke that was in his hand. I was so grossed out when I heard that but it goes to show the measures we go to.
Now that anatomy is finished we have posture clinic all afternoon. My group and the one we were with today started on the next posture. Some groups who have a couple people with English as their second language are going a little slower, none the less we are clipping along at a fairly rapid pace.
Evening class was taught by Bikram again. Before class he said that the heat guy came to fix the problem, Bikram was told that the humidity was pumping in at 97%. “No wonder you lie there like dead meat”, he said before starting class. Today they had a couple fans in the room blowing fresh air and they still propped the doors open in the middle of the standing series. When we were leaving the room, the heat guy had a gang of about ten workers ready to get in the room and on the roof once we vacated. Bikram told us he was much more impressed with us today, and it showed, we did a 92 minute class.
Before class a guy that is actually in my posture clinic group came up to me and said he had to tell me something. He said, “I want you to know three things, one you are smart, two you are beautiful and three you have are strong”. I said thank you with this look on my face that was like, ‘what are you smoking?’ He said he was serious, he’s not hitting on me or trying to make me feel uncomfortable. It came to him twice since Monday he has heard someone mention me and they are always smiling and saying good things. He finished with “don’t settle for anything less than you want, you don’t deserve it.” I told him to walk away before my eyes started to water. So it was kind of neat to be singled out like that, and I don’t think he says it to everyone, and its not like he said it in an uncomfortable way, lol, it was totally sincere.
Bikram lectured tonight until midnight. He could tell everyone was tired and a lot of people were falling asleep. He was very entertaining tonight telling stories to do with life and comparing men to women. He even serenaded us with some singing while we went on a five minute bathroom break.
The picture is me, Eleni and my strong little Group 13er Jennifer from New York.

1 comment:

Zia said...

That "older guy" was absolutely right about you! We all know that it's true, but maybe we should tell you more often! It's great that he did that.

You are doing fantastic, Mel! Keep it up!!

Love you,