Sunday, September 7, 2008

How did I get here

I took my first bikram yoga class just under a year ago. I loved the class but it was a love-hate relationship. I had a headache during and after every class for my first seven classes, but still stuck with it. It wasn't until I learned about proper water intake and breathing properly during class that I began to appreciate it. I became addicted and came back regularly as I couldn't get enough of it. After three months of regular classes I decided I wanted to become a bikram yoga instructor. The day after I completed my 101 day challenge I applied for Teacher Training Fall 08.

Now its one week until training starts and its starting to sink in. I have all my stuff piled in my room that I need to fit into my suitcase. Its the beginning of a new part of my life and a whole new world opening up for me.

Anyone who is familar with bikram yoga and the rigors of teacher training knows this is not just a yoga retreat in Mexico for 2.5 months. I have spent the last month questioning and getting as much advice as I can about how to prepare and what to expect while there. Everyone has a different experience so there is no way to prepare yourself for whats going to come up in the next 9 weeks.

I know I'll learn alot and find out how strong I truely am. I am leaving my family and friends, who I know are behind me and will support me 100% as I hit those barriers. I will learn how strong my mind and body really are as I break through those barriers and learn how far I can push myself....(thanks Shauna). I'm told there is a method to their madness and to trust process, and that the dialogue WILL be there when I need it, lol.

So buckle up and enjoy the read and please feel free to email or respond as you feel fit.

1 comment:

Zia said...

Hey Freckled Wings! I am so proud of you [and jealous too!!]. I know you will do SPECTACULAR in tt. You will make an awesome kick-ass teacher! I can't wait to take a class from you.