Saturday, September 13, 2008

You have everything you need to do this

I thought this was an great title for this entry as I am one day away from starting it all, well orientation starts tomorrow anyways, thats a good start. "You have everything you need to do this"; Ricky said to me on Friday, in my last class at the studio before I left and it stuck with me. Its a gooder.
I am finally here, not that is was all that crazy to get here. My flight went straight to Mexico City, only a 6.5 hour flight. We arrived 30 minutes ahead of schedule. But the trek started early this morning. We left the house at 4:30 this morning to make it to the airport on time. We were there nearly three hours before my flight. We are allowed one checked bag of 50lbs (32.5 kg), and I brought two so I paid for the second one, only $15. We are limited on weight so for two bags we were allowed 65kg or 100lbs. My two bags came to a total weight of 63.5kg, ha ha, just made it. That was my biggest worry arriving at the airport. Next was problem.
Caught the flight, landed in Mexico City, getting to that terminal was interesting. Down this hallway, through this door, down that hallway, up the stairs, around the corner, down the escelator..... it took like half an hour, but we made it. Finally twenty minutes before we had to board the gate number was announced. We (Damian and I were on the same flight) went to the gate to be greeted by 26 other trainees, waiting to board, we all filled up half that plane. There was a Bikram shuttle waiting for us at the gate so we loaded our gear and all went to the hotel. The driver had to call for back up, I don't think he was expecting 30 of us, lol.
We got to the hotel, checked in, now I am waiting for my roommate for the night. She should be arriving any minute now.
When Damian arrived today and went to check in there was no record of him reserving a hotel room in the system. I guess this happened to all the guys that arrived today. They all got sent to the sister hotel, Pierre Marquis, a three minute shuttle ride away. Apparently any guys that arrive today and tomorrow will be staying there. It is a national holidat here this weekend so there is a big celebration in the lobby tonight. There will be a mariachi band playing, so maybe once the celebrators leave the guys might get relocated back here.
I think that about covers it for tonight. Tomorrow I hope to sleep in a bit, and then hit walmart.

1 comment:

Zia said...

Glad to hear you made it, Mel! Sorry I missed your msn. I'll sent good vibes for a great roommate for you tomorrow!

Love Zia