Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thats the way we do the pose

Rajashree taught the morning class. After lunch she leaves for two weeks to do some seminars. She will be back week nine with her daughter for our graduation.
Last night I called Eleni out about sitting out poses and the way to work through them. It was actually good because we ended up having a good talk about it. I guess the universe knew she was ready to be pushed because we ended up beside each other today. This is the first time ever (training or at home) that we have practiced side by side. She got into every posture and really pushed herself today, I was proud of her. She has been having on and off days so it was good to see her walking out with smile after.
Oh and Jules and Melissa; a girl from Vancouver passed on the hug and ‘keep going you’re doing great’ today. She got one of the students from her studio to track us down so she could meet us. She said she was at the studio last week and met you guys, so thanks that was neat.
After lunch we had posture clinic with Esther as a lead, she is great. I think once again a power greater than me knew my group needed her today after two tense posture clinics with Jeff people were really on edge. When I got up to do my posture I started to do it the way they told me to do in for my homework after explaining to Esther what my homework was. She stopped me after two sentences and told me to take a deep breath. She said, ‘I understand your homework and you obviously did to but its not you, please start again and do it how Melissa would do it’, so I took a deep breath and started over. It has been about seven postures since I have been able to relax and just concentrate on the students and bodies while saying the dialogue. When I finished I felt great and had a huge smile on my face. Ester just beamed at me, and said ‘I don’t know why you ever changed what you were doing, that was great, WOW, you are one strong girl and you made me want to lie down and do bow, and I HATE bow’. I told her I have been getting so much feedback about slowing down and speaking in different ways that I wasn’t enjoying posture clinic anymore. She told me my biggest thing is my nerves, but right now I just have to keep working on being me and calming down. That is truly what and who I needed today.
The last couple nights I have not been able to sleep. Two nights ago I really started to doubt myself and question why I was here. I was so frustrated with the feedback I was getting in posture clinic (from one person in particular) that I started to doubt myself. It was first time since starting Bikram Yoga that I wondered if this was the right decision, and wondered if I was really capable of teaching. Wednesday night, after the evening posture clinic I was really angry and tossed and turned all night with a million thoughts spinning in my head. Yesterday I went from being angry and wanting to leave to just letting go and figuring out a way to work through it. I decided to try the feed back I was given, work with it and see what happens. Well I did just that and the next feedback I got was that it wasn’t the right fit for me.
I talked to some people in my group today during the break and told them how I felt. All six girls I was talking with have all had the same feelings as me at one time or another during training. Its funny how when you just put yourself out there what you can get back. I think it was a relief for everyone just to talk about it.
The funny thing is I never ever let it get to me during yoga class. The only time I thought about it was when I was doing my dialogue or in posture clinic, which makes sense. I am glad my ill feelings only lasted two days.
In bow one of the lines is ‘wrists straight, pointed toes’. One of my group members Tracy was told to come out of her shell and not be nervous while saying her dialogue in posture clinic. She got up there and when she came to that line she said, “wrists straight, pointed toes, that’s the way we do the pose", as she did a little hip shake. I fell off my chair I was laughing so hard. Esther was still laughing at the end of the posture that she couldn’t even catch her breath to give her a comment. She just gave her two thumbs up and told her to rock it out again next time, it was awesome.
Before evening class I found Esther because I wanted to give her a hug and say thank you. I told her about how I was feeling the last couple days and nights and what she did for me today. I told her I didn’t know what I needed today but someone knew, and it was her. She gave me a huge hug and told me that everyone goes through it during training. I know that and I understand it’s a part of growing. What doesn’t knock you down makes you stronger, look out.
Evening class was taught by some lady from New York I think. She is a studio owner and the wife of one of our trainees here. I have heard before that a class is determined right from half moon (first posture). That is basically when people decide what kind of class they are going to have, or not have. Well, this one was not off to a good start. She held us in half moon for exactly 60 seconds, the longest we have ever been held there all training. After the first full set of half moon people literally started dropping and made of their minds they weren’t having it tonight. I was not going to let her get into my head so I actually had a fun class (as much as is allowed in a Bikram class) with the help of the people around me. We didn’t let each other sit down but we had smiles and laughs the entire time. It is Friday night and I think exactly what we needed to get through it.
After supper we had more posture clinic with one more posture to rehearse. I didn’t mind, I had memorized this one over the weekend so I couldn’t wait to get up there and do it. We had two awesome leads tonight and the energy in the room was fabulous. Tara from my group was told to find the bitch within and deliver with a different voice range then her sweet tone. She walked up there and the sound that came out of her was unbelivable, I was dieing. My stomach hurt so bad from laughing throughout the entire posture. The lead described it perfectly, she sounded like Captain Jack Black (Johnny Depp) in ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’, it was so freaking awesome. The leads loved it and her performance started a domino effect. Everyone after her had to take on a character to deliver their dialogue. We had a couple more pirates go up, a stoned out surfer dude, a valley girl, a sweet little granny, and Reba McIntyre. Anyone who knows me can guess which one I was. Shauna you are going to love this; “Hello my naaames Re-ba and I’ll be your instructor tonight”. Lol, I was a sweet ol country singer, your favorite. I felt uncomfortable at first because I am not one for acting or getting out of my comfort zone. Once i let go it turned out to be so much fun and again what I needed to get out of my shell a little bit. I was concentrating so much on getting the accent right that the dialogue just spewed out of my mouth. So this Friday nights posture clinic was a lot more enjoyable and relaxed compared to last week. It feels nice to end the week off like that.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Connecting it all together

I did not sleep well last night and had a tough time falling asleep. It was a combination of a tense posture clinic and not being able to breathe, my nose was so stuffed up. I really contemplated getting up and going for a walk around the hotel. I wanted to be able to breathe through my nose and not be so restless. The only thing that stopped me was that Eleni had her eye mask and ear plugs in and I figured if I left and the door slammed she would hear it and wonder what the hell was going on. So I took an allergy pill and tossed and turned for an hour. I think the pill helped but it didn’t kick in for awhile and I still woke up a bunch through out the night with a plugged nose. Anyways, none of that matters, the day has begun.
Morning class was taught by a lady from California. I had not heard good things about her previous to this class, I guess she had stepped on some toes in posture clinic last night. I put that aside and once again decided to make my own conclusions. I liked her and I remembered to breathe properly, so all in all it was a good class, lol. I went right smack in the middle of the room in front of the podium today, man I have been missing out all this time on the good air flow. I knew and heard there was fresh air that blew on the podium, but I was enjoying the constant fresh breeze today. No wonder there are people who come early and claim their real estate. I do not like depending on elements such as fresh air all the time so I will venture away from there for the evening class.
Kellie joined Eleni and I for lunch, it was nice to sit down and chill with her. After lunch we had more lecture with Rajashree. She finished up talking about the benefits of each posture. She also brought a girl up on stage (Zephia?) to show us the proper and improper ways of doing the postures.
Evening class was taught by Rajashree. Rajashree told she was going to be looking for people that could be the demonstrators on stage for grad. They should tell us that for the next two weeks, because people who have been lying down daily were by some miracle able to do the entire class tonight, how coincidental.
Kellie came to our room for supper tonight, she got spoiled with some cheese tortellini with alfredo sauce, lol. After supper we had more lecture with Rajashree. Before lecture started all the visiting teachers got to introduce themselves. Kel got up there and told them about herself and where she resides right now. Tonight we got to hear from Devi, she is a doctor, Bikram yoga instructor and studio owner in Victoria. I could have listened to her for hours. She started to talk about spirituality and connecting with how the mind works, breaking it down for us, and explaining her beliefs and told us that by no means did we have to accept anything she said. She talked about things that I am just beginning to understand and learn about myself in terms of spirituality and beliefs. She also gave the western way of thinking about it and the medical terms and solutions how the medical field deals with the associated processes, relating diseases and sickness to the mind. It’s so cool because it totally reiterated everything I have begun to stand behind or trying to understand in terms of spirituality. I don’t want to get to much into it because not everyone understands, believes, or wants to know about it. She has only just started to connect and grow with this over the last couple years since graduating from teacher training. It got me so excited because I only started to connect with this stuff once I started to work at the studio.
I am sure my day to day events are boring you guys. Grandma already said it sounds like the same thing but just a different day, I told you before, ground hog day. She might not know what that means, I had to explain it to Eleni the other day. The saying is based on a movie where the guy does the same thing every day. That is why people were calling training ground hog day by week two.
I was trying to think if there was a story I could tell you so you aren’t so bored. The only story we heard today was that six years a girl had hurt her lumber/lower spine, making her unable to do any sports. Her only physical activity was walking her dog which never lasted long because she was in so much pain she had to stop. Her doctor told her the only answer was surgery and after she would have to wear a neck brace until it healed, there was a chance of side effects with anestia too. One day her neighbour, who is a Bikram yoga instructor saw her and told her to try a Bikram class. She talked to her doctor and he told her she could do what she could until the surgery in three months. She started classes, seeing improvement after her third class so continued to go five days a week. She went back to her doctor six WEEKS later and told him to cancel the surgery. Her doctor couldn't believe that she had healed so quickly without surgery.
Have I mentioned before that I love this yoga.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Catching your breath

Rajashree taught the AM class again, Kellie took it and she survived (at the back of the room by the door), he he. She doesn’t have much choice; that is where all the teachers have to go unless they are invited to the front by the instructor. They barely cracked the doors an inch (at the very end of class) so I am sure it was not the most pleasant back there. It was a bit of a tough class for me. Again I didn’t feel like I was getting any air and it felt as if I couldn’t catch my breath, or get a full breath in. I started thinking I was in a dead spot after looking around and seeing the four people around me lying on their backs on their mats. It took me until about a half an hour after class to feel like I actually got my breath back again. After class I kidnapped Kellie and Damian and I took them to my secret after class get away; the salt water pool. They were loving it, now we just need to convince P to get one of these at the studio.
After lunch we had lecture with Rajashree. We went through the postures, up to triangle and talked about the medical benefits. She also brought people up to the stage to correct their posture, or show us ways to correct a posture without touching them. It was neat to see where people can go with their bodies with the right word encouragement. Sometimes Rajashree assisted them to show them/us the full extent of where they could go in a posture. She also measured some spines to show us the compression and extension length of spines in certain postures. Everyone was wide awake for this lecture. I love learning the hands on stuff that we can apply ourselves to our students or to our own practices.
Evening class was taught by Devi from Victoria, I love love loved her class. I pushed myself 127% and felt like a million bucks after. I went into class feeling like a pile of crap, thinking it would be a tough class. I was standing there in between sets of standing head to knee trying to catch my breath thinking to myself, “get yourself together you can do this, mind over matter, just breathe." As I took a deep breath, it clicked, I had been breathing wrong this entire class so far and probably the last couple days. I was doing deep breathing through my nose, no fricken wonder I thought my body was over heating. I don’t know why it hit me at that moment or why I had changed it in the first place in the last couple days but I am glad I noticed. I thought about it after and I think I was just doing this the last two days when my mind took over and I lost my concentration and focus. Don’t worry, I got my shit together for the remainder of class.
After supper we had more posture clinic. We had Jeff again and you could feel the tension rise as he walked in the room. The other group had not had him yet so they didn’t know what to expect. We already knew his behavioral expectations of how to behave in the room. By that I mean we weren’t allowed to clap or take pictures because it wasted and disrupted to much time. The feed back was all the same from last time and the tension never left the room until we were dismissed. I don’t think there was one person who didn’t have to repeat it and fix their voice tone the second, third or fourth round. Oh well, no blood lost right!?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kellie's here

This morning’s class was taught by Rajashree. I was at the back of the room and it didn’t feel too stuffy. She let them crack the doors open a little in the middle of class. I think the teachers were having a hard time breathing because they ended up cranking them all the way open for a couple postures until Rajashree made them close them. After that they opened them just a tad with the help of the little puke buckets. I mention the puke buckets because right after Rajashree asked them to close the doors again, one of the teachers husbands (not sure if he is a teacher) ran to the door and ended up puking in the bucket holding the door open. Sorry I just had to mention that because it actually made me laugh. We had only two postures left so the trooper went back to his mat and finished the class. Rajashree saw him do it and made a comment about them getting on the plane later but he will be fine by then.
After lunch we had posture clinic. It is actually nice to have one to get one more posture out of the way. This one posture has been sitting in my head for three days waiting to get out. We had Jeff today and after I delivered my dialogue he wanted to see how I could use the range of my voice and belly. After asking me a bunch of questions about my family and such he got some cushions from the next room. He told me to sit on them and I say my dialogue again, he wanted more from me so he gave me the task of delivering my dialogue seductively. The other lead gave me an example because apparently she was told to do the same thing in her posture clinic and even after she started teaching. The whole class was laughing and cheering by the end and it was actually kind of fun and I learned how to change my voice using my belly. That is what they want you to do though, come out of your shell, some teachers just have different approaches than others.
We had posture clinic until 1:45 than it was straight to the lecture hall, where Rajashree was waiting for us and she lectured again. She talked about the benefits of the heat in Bikram yoga, chakras, cancer and reasons cancer patients like yoga. She is so well organized with her power point presentation and hand outs for us to follow along with.
A girl in my group told me that her and her room mate got moved rooms to our floor today. Everyone on their floor in their building (not the main one which we are in) has had their rooms broken into. Another girl had told me this morning that hers was broken into last night during evening class. I didn’t realize there was more than one occurance. Apparently there is a roof that is about a foot below their balconies, and they can get up using the fire escape latter. When the maids go in and clean they leave the balcony doors open (they do in ours too), so that is how they are getting in. Once in the room, the thieves dead bolt the door so the girls couldn’t get into their room after class. They hit every room on that floor during class last night getting their i-pods, cell phones, wallet, money, and even gum stolen. The girls were just glad they didn't take their computers. All of them had smartly put their credit cards and passports in the safety deposit box (which requires an electonic code) so they never got away with those, scary stuff.
Evening class was taught by a lady from Virginia (?). She definitely wasn’t my favorite but I think I was annoyed from the first breath (literally in the warm-up) but she did grow on me. In the warm-up for the first breathing exercise she counted to six really fast. Any other teacher would noly be at the count of three or four by the time she was already at six. It also felt like she made us do about 16 in each set, I really thought my arms were going to fall off my body, not a good start. She talked fairly quick so that was cool, especially when she said the full dialogue for triangle. She also told us to get off the towels when turning to the side, which is cool. In Bikrams class, every time we tried to stand on the carpet he would say, “stand on the towels, quit ruining my carpet, stand on the towel!” We were also told not to use certain phrases in certain postures and she used every phrase we were told not to use, that part actually made me smile.
I am being very nit picky and I don’t why, I am or was not struggling and I had a good class. There was a girl that was in front of me that really worked over my patience and the two girls beside me. I don’t want to get into what was happening but there was absolutely no way I could not notice what was going on. For that reason I did not have a good flow to my class and came in and out of listening and focusing on what the teacher was saying.
After class I went down stairs to the cafĂ© to get some supper. As I was walking back I saw Dale walking through the lobby with suitcases. I looked behind him and there was Kellie, I literally ran over there and gave her the biggest hug. I couldn’t stop smiling, it was great to see her.
After supper we had more posture clinic. Kellie was with Eleni’s group which Eleni was stoked for when we got back to the room. My group had Wendy, three teachers from California and Devi from Victoria (Ed who was here week two’s wife). She is a doctor too and will be lecturing us some time this week with Rajashree on the medical benefits of the postures. I really enjoyed our leads tonight, it was nice and relaxed and we got well into the next posture.

The picture is our hotel room as you walk in from the hallway. To the right where I took the picture is the walk in closet. The first bed by the fridges is Eleni's and the one by the balcony is mine. There is the wall unit which has the tv and all our food in it. Beside that, next to the patio door is the table with my lap top and rice cooker, and the chair with my towel and yoga mat drying on the back. On the other side of the wall unit (to the right) is the dresser, we each have three drawers. The patio is where those big white shutters are on the back wall. The bath room is to the left where I am standing to take the picture, and the walk-in closet is to the right.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rajashree is back

This morning’s class was taught by Rajashree. Yep she is back for this week, and is going to be teaching every morning class this week. The room seemed a little hotter today but still manageable. They have been opening the doors at the end of the floor series to bring more air in. I am not sure if they did that today, I actually didn’t think about it until right now. Rajashree gave us the exciting announcement before class that we don’t have posture clinic today.
After lunch we headed to the lecture hall. The visiting teachers were introduced and then Mark brought three demonstrators up on stage. We did a little mini posture clinic while we waited for Rajashree to arrive. He had one person from each group come up to say their next posture in front of the whole group on the stage. Mark wanted us to be relaxed and have some fun so he made people say their dialogue with accents, sing, or hand gestures. The one who got the biggest applause was a lady who took on a southern accent. Oh my word, we were hollowing the way she pronounced some of the words; “come up ya’ll”, lol.
Another girl imitated Bikram and at the line ‘747 taking off’, she followed it up with, ‘I have my own private jet and the stories I have about that thing’. Even Mark nearly fell off his chair when she said that. She wasn’t insulting him by any means but it was a pretty damn good impersonation of him.
Rajashree started lecturing at 2pm, starting with a power point presentation. She gave us an introduction to the yoga connecting it with spirituality, cancer, and science. I never heard anything really new but it never fails to hear it again, especially when Rajashree is talking about it. She wanted to give us just a little intro into it so we were warmed up for tonight when Dr.Choudray lectures.
Evening class was taught by a lady from Florida. The norm has now been for teachers to pull students (aka future teachers) onto the podium to say a posture. She did this tonight for two students for triangle; it is such an adrenaline rush to hear one of us up there again. It was another tougher class but I still made it through. I think they have turned up the heat, (which we were warned of) and are not opening the doors anymore. Oh well, all is fair at teacher training right!?
After supper we had more lecture from Rajashree. Tonight she brought Dr. Choudrey with her. He is a gynaecologist who also takes Bikram yoga. He admitted he tries to hide in the back away from Bikram by the door but Bikram always finds him. He told some jokes that were actually really funny, I enjoyed him as a speaker. We had the chance to write down questions and he answered them all. He had an answer for everything and it was always a medical answer but he was able to explain it in laymen’s terms so we could understand. Some of the answers included drawings on the white board but none the less easy to understand. We got let go just past 11pm.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Week 6 begins

I woke up saying ‘for fuck sakes’, that is because my throat hurts once again and my nose is stuffed. I wonder if it is possible to be allergic to air conditioning, because I feel like this is an allergic reaction to something. It feels the same way it did when it I got it a couple weeks ago. Last time I took Benelyn and it didn’t seem to help though it did eventually go away. I felt very low energy today so I was very glad that I studied five postures yesterday.
We went for lunch than took our weekly trip to the store, hitting up Mega for some tortellini. I tried to study when we got back but my exhaustion took over so I took an hour nap. I woke up and felt completely exhausted with little energy. I decided to go down stairs and have a chicken ceasar salad and study some more dialogue. When I went upstairs I decided to try taking a reactine to see what happens.
I was so happy to see the Tupperware ladies leaving today. I never mentioned they were here this week, but let me tell you, that was my yoga this week. On Thursday morning we were waiting for the elevator to head downstairs for class. Out of no where seven or eight huge Mexican women pushed by us and tried to fit into the already full elevator that opened. Three more elevators stopped and they were all full with Tupperware women on there way downstairs. All nine of us yogis waiting for the elevator on our floor ran out of patience so we took the stairs. We were not willing to let these pushy sales women make us late for sign in.
After class we were waiting for the elevator and who comes up behind us? About 50 Tupperware women. They proceeded to push their way through us and try to get on the elevator. If they saw any small space they tried to fit their way through it. One lady tapped me on the shoulder and started yelling at me in Spanish, pointing at her friends by the elevator. When we wouldn’t move she elbowed me and the girl beside me. I turned around and said to her in English “quite pushing, you aren’t going anywhere, there is no where to go, we are all waiting for the elevator and you can wait your turn like the rest of us.” I knew she didn’t know what I was saying and it showed on her face. I really didn’t care, that was the fourth elbow I had received in two minutes. She actually calmed down and quite pushing after that.
We were standing there waiting and an elevator door opened. A lady tried to push by us and as she did she knocked someones yoga mat out of her hand and it landed in the door of the elevator. As the girl bent down to pick it up, one of the Tupperware ladies kicked it out of the elevator with her foot and started to laugh. My mouth dropped, I couldn’t believe what I just saw. We stood and waited for the elevator and we just went with the flow as we got pushed into one when the doors opened.
That night I was going down stairs, myself and another girl were on the elevator. When we hit the main floor five Tupperware ladies pushed their way onto the elevator. They didn’t even give us time or room to get off. We were pinned on the back wall of the elevator. The other girl raised her voice and started yelling at them to let us out. I was able to squeeze and push my way to the door and held it open with my foot. The tupperwarw women were getting mad because the door wouldn’t shut. I just pointed at the girl pinned on the back wall. Realizing they weren’t going anywhere until she got out, they shifted around to give her room to squeeze out. As the girl got off the elevator one lady said in broken English to us, ‘white bitches’. I just shook my head and started to laugh. That was just two of five rude interactions I had with them in three days. Like I said before that was my yoga for the week and I was glad when I saw them packed up waiting for their buses.
I decided I needed to get some sun, besides I really haven’t been out of the hotel all that much, I don’t think grocery shopping counts. After supper, I went to the ocean with Damien to practice some dialogue in the ocean. It really felt great to stand in the water and shout dialogue. Damien said yesterday when he was down there they released about 500 baby turtles into the ocean, that would have been neat to see. He said it was funny to watch because the turtles would get into the water than a wave would bring them back to shore. They would try again and get half way to the water then a wave would come again. The turtles learned they had to be as quick as possible to get there before the wave got them. They must have finally made it the water, that would have been a sight to watch, lol. Kinda like watching a bunch of yogi's go through training, what a parellel.
In the evening I went down stairs to meet some girls for some ice cream and chill time. It was nice to have some girl time to just sit and relax. My brain didn’t want to focus tonight so I read some trash magazines and hit the hay in preparation for week six, 43 classes left.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Just breathe

This weekend is all about the dialogue. We don’t have much further to go in terms of postures, just under ten and they are short ones too so they will go by super quick. Everyone is trying to estimate where we will get to by Friday. If I have learned one thing it is too not have any expectations.
This morning’s class was taught by Mark again. The class was relaxed and it felt like a Saturday, if that makes any sense. He started the class by having us sing ‘lean on me’. Instead of those words we changed them to ‘lock the knee, lock the knee, lock the knee’, which is basically the mantra in Bikram Yoga. It was a good start to the class since everyone was excited for it to be Saturday; we were free after the class. I think only 37 beads of sweat left my body during that class as the room wasn’t very hot, it’s like they forgot to turn on the heat. I won’t complain though, maybe next time that happen on like Wednesday though, he he. I really pushed myself today to get my internal heat going so I could get the sweat on, it was a little challenging because my body was stiffer without the heat. At the end of class Mark led us in a chant, he would say the line then we would repeat it. It was the coolest thing to hear 350 people chanting like that.
After class I had a lunch date with Michelle. We have been so busy with dialogue and such that I haven’t talked to her much. It was good to go for lunch and catch up.
After lunch I met with a couple people from my group to do dialogue. We rented a cabana and went down to the beach. Don’t worry I had on the 65 SPF, sunglasses and a hat. I ordered a virgin strawberry smoothie and the others ordered coconut water straight from a freshly cracked coconut. We also treated ourselves to some nachos and salsa. It might not sound like it but we actually accomplished a lot this afternoon.
Yesterday in posture clinic a girl in my group thanked me for what I did for her in last Fridays class. I bring this up now because I saw and talked to her today as I was coming up from the beach after studying.
Okay so now I have to rewind because I don’t think I told this story last week. In last Thursdays evening class this girl was in front of me in class and lied down most of the class. I asked her that night in posture clinic if she was okay because I saw her talking to one of the staff after. She said that for the last two weeks she has been blacking out in class and collapsing. She thinks that she must get herself to the floor in a civilized manner because no one ever notices that she just falls down. The last thing she ever remembers is standing up doing a posture than she will wake up on the ground.
Last Friday’s evening class was the class Bikram challenged us for no one to go down to get the night off. ‘Sally’ ended up being in front of me, in the front row. After Bikram made that challenge she started to cry. I just rubbed her shoulder and said do what you can, don’t get sick over it. So she powered through until we got to triangle. This is the posture where she usually goes down (I didn't know this at the time). She just stood there with this look on her face that said, ‘I can’t do this’. I looked at her in the mirror and told her to ‘just breathe’. She went into triangle, did both sides and came out with tears in her eyes. She did it but there was still one more set to do. I gave her a little squeeze on her shoulder and said, ‘do what you can, remember to breathe, and just listen to Bikrams voice’. The girl was like a robot, she completed the rest of the standing series with tears rolling down her face. When we turned around to lie on the floor I gave her a thumbs up. At the end of class we gave each other a high five and hadn’t talked about it since.
She told me that I made her have a break through last Friday. I told her she did it herself as she broke through the scariest barrier she has faced since being here on her own. If I was in her shoes I would have wanted to just stand there and do nothing during that class, scared of what could happen. This week she focused on just breathing in class and doing what she can. She did every single posture this week and didn’t black out, so strong.
She didn’t realize how two simple words. ‘Just breathe’, could give someone the strength to believe in themself. She said when I told her to just listen to Bikram’s voice, that she went into a trance of just letting him lead her. She didn’t think about anything but what his voice told her to do. She told me that my words allowed her to over come her biggest fear in that room as she has felt helpless for the last couple weeks, not knowing what is going on with her. I thought it was really cool for her to come thank me but I didn’t think it was a big deal. I was so proud of her that day for believing in herself and pushing through it. I love this yoga.
Anyways the rest of the day was spent going over dialogue with a little supper thrown in there. I went to bed early because I feel like I am getting sick again. I think I am getting the same thing I had here a couple weeks ago. I am starting to think maybe I am allergic to the air conditioning or something, or maybe I am allergic to the dialogue, he he.