This morning’s class was taught by Kylee from Melbourne, Australia. She teaches a very easy flowing just keep going class with a voice that is very easy to listen to. Her voice is like taking class at home being taught by one of my home teachers.
After lunch we had more posture clinic, surprise surprise. I practiced my dialogue with Sunny, a lady in my group who is an auditory learner. It works out good for both of us because I can say the dialogue over and over to her and she learns it by me talking to her. We make a good pair because she makes me slow down when I say the dialogue, breathe and speak from my diaphragm. I took everything I worked on with her and applied it to my dialogue when I did my next posture. The feedback was so positive. Its funny, it felt like I was saying it really really slow and felt bad when I took a deep breath because it felt like a long pause. But what was painfully slow for me was absolutely perfect for class and received the best response. There is a handful of us from my group getting together this weekend. Each of us has a quality that someone else has to work on.
I talk fast so I am helping another girl speed up. There is a guy that speaks from his diaphragm so he can help me and someone else. I am still going to work on slowing down and breathing so someone else helps me with that. Others have to be more serious, have more fun, be meaner, be softer, don’t fidget, or just learn the dialogue. Its like putting together a puzzle to find what works. You’d think by week five we would have it figured it out, but we are all still learning and growing.
After lunch we had more posture clinic, surprise surprise. I practiced my dialogue with Sunny, a lady in my group who is an auditory learner. It works out good for both of us because I can say the dialogue over and over to her and she learns it by me talking to her. We make a good pair because she makes me slow down when I say the dialogue, breathe and speak from my diaphragm. I took everything I worked on with her and applied it to my dialogue when I did my next posture. The feedback was so positive. Its funny, it felt like I was saying it really really slow and felt bad when I took a deep breath because it felt like a long pause. But what was painfully slow for me was absolutely perfect for class and received the best response. There is a handful of us from my group getting together this weekend. Each of us has a quality that someone else has to work on.
I talk fast so I am helping another girl speed up. There is a guy that speaks from his diaphragm so he can help me and someone else. I am still going to work on slowing down and breathing so someone else helps me with that. Others have to be more serious, have more fun, be meaner, be softer, don’t fidget, or just learn the dialogue. Its like putting together a puzzle to find what works. You’d think by week five we would have it figured it out, but we are all still learning and growing.
Evening class was taught by Jeff. I had a really good class. Before class there was a girl on the elevator that was going off about her dislike for Jeff after having him in posture clinic. When she told us he was teaching class I wasn’t sure what to expect. Before I left for class I decided to go into class with no expectations. I didn't want to let someone else pre influence my thought on someone I didn’t even know. So I did exactly that and went in and just let go. There wasn’t a whole lot of dialogue going on but I actually learnt a lot in that class about my own body. Every day I am learning something new about different postures just from letting go and listening, I love it.
After supper we had more posture clinic, and another posture. I would love to rip apart what happened in posture clinic tonight and give my feedback and the word on the street but I am not going to. Tonights posture clinic was the most tense one I have been in since we started them. It is amazing how leads can affect energy that much.
When I got home (the hotel room is now my home) after tonights posture clinic, I just started to write and write and write, and vent. I was so worked up after class that I had to get it out. In the morning before I posted this I decided to not post what I said. We are told to trust the process while we are here and up until last night I have done exactly that. I have not gotten caught up in other peoples drama or questioned why things are happening the way they are. I have seen grave examples of people getting worked up, questioning, and getting angry about what exactly is going on here. I would rather re-direct my energy into trying to memorize this dialogue and staying healthy. Friday nights posture clinic was the first time I actually thought, ‘what exactly is the point of this, wow’, among other words that I have censored for this posting. I don’t want to confuse you as I am not going to talk about the specific events that unfolded. Nothing was said to me directly, I was just a witness of the energy and tension in the room tonight. If it was not for the support amongst the two groups and trainees in the room I think there would have been some major break downs. After class there was a lot of anger and hostility coming out. It was not directed or caused by fellow students though. This is why I decided to vent to myself and direct the energy in other ways. With that said it was nice to go to bed and not have to stress about dialogue tonight.
After supper we had more posture clinic, and another posture. I would love to rip apart what happened in posture clinic tonight and give my feedback and the word on the street but I am not going to. Tonights posture clinic was the most tense one I have been in since we started them. It is amazing how leads can affect energy that much.
When I got home (the hotel room is now my home) after tonights posture clinic, I just started to write and write and write, and vent. I was so worked up after class that I had to get it out. In the morning before I posted this I decided to not post what I said. We are told to trust the process while we are here and up until last night I have done exactly that. I have not gotten caught up in other peoples drama or questioned why things are happening the way they are. I have seen grave examples of people getting worked up, questioning, and getting angry about what exactly is going on here. I would rather re-direct my energy into trying to memorize this dialogue and staying healthy. Friday nights posture clinic was the first time I actually thought, ‘what exactly is the point of this, wow’, among other words that I have censored for this posting. I don’t want to confuse you as I am not going to talk about the specific events that unfolded. Nothing was said to me directly, I was just a witness of the energy and tension in the room tonight. If it was not for the support amongst the two groups and trainees in the room I think there would have been some major break downs. After class there was a lot of anger and hostility coming out. It was not directed or caused by fellow students though. This is why I decided to vent to myself and direct the energy in other ways. With that said it was nice to go to bed and not have to stress about dialogue tonight.