Sunday, September 14, 2008

This just in....

Rajashree told us today at orientation that Bikram will be here for the full nine weeks. Buckle up people. More on the orientation later, lets start from where I left off last time.
.....Eleni got into the room last night around 12:30pm with no luggage. Herself and a couple other passengers/trainee’s luggage was misplaced. She was told she would have it in the morning, but it is late afternoon and still nothing. She is very calm for not having it. We went to go for the lunch buffet today, put our names down, and missed our names being called. Therefore we would have had to wait another 20 minutes, so we (us three from the studio) decided to just go to walmart. Not to disappointing, I bought some shampoo, conditioner, dishsoap, and hangers (among other stuff) cause there was only five in the closet. We payed $5 for a cab ride and the driver waited for us at the walmart while we shopped then, brought us back to the hotel. People are having trouble finding britta water jugs here, thank goodness I packed mine (thanks to Jenns advice in her blog). Rajashree arrived last night and I only know this because she was on the same flight as Eleni from LA last night.
I had time to walk around and look around the grounds this afternoon. This place is huge to say the least. I will try to post some pictures here but most of pics will be put into an album on facebook when I can find time.
Eleni and I had requested to stay together for last night only. We did this so we would both have the chance to meet new and other people while we are here. We went to the front desk this morning to ask about how to go about finding our room mates for the next couple months. They have us in the system as room mates for the entire time. This happened to a couple other girls I talked to from other studios as well. We will have to wait until Antonia who reserved the rooms gets here, so things might change. Damians room mate is from New Zealand, he has been here since Wednesday, there is a little age gap between them but they seem to get along fine.
We had orientation at 6pm tonight, headed by Rajashree, Bikrams wife. We were introduced to some of the senior teachers and the staff that will be here with us for the next nine weeks. The infamous "hold 2nd part of awkward for a minute Craig" will be here for a short time this training. I am assuming for graduation, though we have not been told when yet. Bikram is taking back the reign with help from Dale from Vancouver.
After the orientation we had a welcome supper, with ice cream for dessert...bring it on.
We meet Bikram tomorrow morning, at an orientation things with him in the morning at 10. Our first class is at 5pm Monday night, with Bikram. There are about 25 trainees not here yet because of hurricane Ike. They are expected to be here Friday afternoon when they open the airport.
I think that covers it for now, time for bed.

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