Thursday, November 6, 2008

Spanish class

Ulyssis from Mexico City taught the morning class. He asked us if we wanted to have a class in Spanish, to which the majority cheered. He agreed and said he would give us the Spanish dialogue if we worked together and shared energy. If we didn’t work together it wouldn’t work.
In the warm up the students have to interlock their fingers and put them underneath their chin. As soon as he started talking everyone put their hands up ready to start. He stopped us and started talking sternly about us not listening and to wait for him. Then he went to start again and he started laughing and said, ‘I wanted to get mad at you for not listening and I forgot you do not understand me, okay, I’ll give you the clue’. From there forward he would give us the visual clue of what to do in certain postures or say a sentence or two in English. It was neat to hear but I found it much more difficult because I was thinking more about the dialogue and what I had to do. There was a lady from Mexico City a couple rows in front of me so I found I spent a lot of energy trying to get clues form her on when to move and what he was saying. It’s not that I didn’t know what to do because we can all do this in our sleep backwards by now, I was more worried about when to start or go into a posture. By the second or third posture we all had caught onto what the word ‘change’ is in Spanish. It took a lot more energy to concentrate on myself today because I was thinking so much about the dialogue. It also wore on us because it was a two hour class; we haven’t had one of those since the first week.
After lunch we had lecture with Bikram. It was a mock posture clinic where he started to go through all the 26 postures one by one with us. He brought people on stage to show the difference between the perfectly executed posture and the not quite there yet posture. He also helped those who thought they needed a little extra push in some postures. It was neat to see what one’s true potential was with the a little helping hand from Bikram. I went on stage to get help with the eagle posture. Since the beginning of teacher training I have struggled to get my hands-palms together and under my nose in the posture. Bikram just grabbed my arms loosened them up then cranked them under each other. It didn’t hurt but I could totally feel the difference in my back from the twist.
Just to give you a little example of Bikram’s personality, I have the perfect story. Half way through lecture this afternoon Bikram stopped us to go to the washroom. After the break he came back and told us that he thought there was girl peeing beside him in the toilet because when he looked in the mirror and saw pink panties. He then proceeded to pull down his shorts and show us his pink underwear. He then went on to explain that he only wears white or black panties (he calls all underwear panties). I know I was wondering how he ended up with pink underwear. Then he started shouting at Monali for mixing up the panties and that he was wearing Rajashree’s (his wife) panties, we were howling.
Before evening class there were rumors of a double class tonight. Bikram had threatened us on Monday that we would have three classes in one day either Tuesday or Wednesday. I brought an extra water bottle with me just in case.
Bikram taught the evening class and he was in one hell of a mood again, in a good way. He was fired up because today he had a big bottle of coke instead of a little can like Monali gave him yesterday. He likes to taunt us with it while we are in the middle of a posture. He was in a good mood and it was a pretty mellow class, well as mellow as you can get when Bikram is teaching. During camel he came off his perch and stood on a couple people’s hips to show how far they come back. He tried to do a hand stand too but it was too humid to get any traction. Today was the first time since Bikram has been back that he played a song from his cd for us at the end of class. When the song started playing I am sure a few bodies relaxed knowing that was our last class of the night.
After supper we had lecture with Bikram. He talked about the spine, cars and told us a couple more stories about saving some movie stars lives.
At 11:45pm he opened the floor to us for any questions and then he wanted to take a 15 minute break to start a movie. Everyone started groaning and shouting noooooo, to which he laughed and started to talk about how much we like sleep. We all must have looked really out of it because after the question he said ‘go back to your coma, good night’.

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