Thursday, September 18, 2008

Welcome to Bollywood

I realized when I write these posts and when they are posted is not consistent with the days. For example, I posted today (Thursday afternoon) but I am talking about Wednesday. It will get a little confusing unless you are reading this everyday. I just don't have time to post every evening so it will more than likely be posted the next day in the afternoon sometime. Okay now that that is clear.....
I got to bed at 12:30 last night (Tuesday) then woke up for 8:30 class with Rajashree. She leaves today after lunch so it is our last class with her until week six.
I figured out my routine for morning class. I drink lots of water before bed, get up to go to the bathroom like three times during the night (I can walk that room already with my eyes closed), and then drink some more water before lying down. Once my head hits the pillow, its game over.
This morning class was 90 minutes on the nose. She was trying to give us a nice easy class so everyone can remember how to breathe again. Everyone that left yesterday with cramps came back this morning to class, there was lots of energy going around.
We got 2.5 hours before we have to sign in for lecture. Time for lunch, which has been surprisingly good…knock on wood. Yesterday they had one of my favorites, chicken cutlets….mmmmm. I’m still waiting for the pasta, going to go through with drawl pretty soon. Maybe Sunday I will hit up the Italian restaurant Ang recommended.
Posture clinic followed morning class again. There was a girl that went up and she got lost in the middle up her set up. Instead of “when you can’t stretch anymore, stop in the middle”, she said, “stop in the middle when you don’t want to do it anymore”. The entire place roared with laughter and cheers as Bikram slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand, and started laughing. The poor ladies face turned beat red and Bikram said to us "look what you did to her face, she is embarrassed".
Eleni went up today, introduced herself, said her studio name and Bikram didn’t know where it was. She had to tell him it is in Canada. She rocked it out and didn’t miss a beat. Bikrams comment to her was, “I like her, she’s sweet, everyone should speak clear like her”. His only correction to her was to speed up second set otherwise it will be a two hour class. That is funny because when we were practicing I told her to slow down half a beat cause she was spitting it out double time. Everyone is so supportive of each other here so she got a huge round of applause.
Bikram let us go at 4 and threatened us with a movie until 3am tonight, so our minds become tough.
Jim taught our 5pm class, a two hour drag out. I had a stomach ache throughout the entire thing but stuck with it and rocked it out. I thought I would have to use a puke bucket but I was wrong. Jumping in the ocean after that class felt soooooooooo good. After class I made some hot pasta for supper after having peanut butter and jam sandwiches for the last two nights. Then it was off to more half moon posture clinic with Bikram. We did that for an hour, got through a dozen people than we watched a Bollywood movie until 2am. It was a Spanish love/musical film kinda like “Grease”, but in Spanish with English sub titles.
Oh and Bikram told us a little secret; where training is going to be next year.
The picture is Eleni giving her half moon dialogue in front of Bikram


Toddo said...

The pasta bar on the weekends is good. Make whatever you want with various types of pasta and sauces. The pizza is also good.

Don't leave us hanging on the change for next years TT. Where is it going to?

Todd (Spring '08 Bikram TT)

thedancingj said...

hi there! i found your blog from Jenn's Master TT Blog and i am loving it!! love your writing and the good details. a bunch of my friends from boston are there right now but i couldn't go this time.

WHERE is it gonna be next year?? is he going with palm springs? such a tease... :-P

anyways take care, and continue to rock it out!!

juliana :)

Kaci said...

Hi there! I found your blog on Jenn's site, as I'm hoping to attend training next year. I keep hearing rumors it's going to be in Miami or Palm Springs... can you give us a hint??!!

In all seriousness, way to rock it out, I can't imagine how hard training is and I'm really rooting for all of you!