Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Class is over, I'm not finishing class

This mornings class was taught by Mike from Chicago. The microphone kept going out so Mike had to teach off and on with out the microphone. I was at the front today but it seemed he projects well. I didn’t find him that motivating but it seemed to be a good class but I had my strong little smiling Jennifer beside me again so that always helps. She is feeling better so we just fed off each other and it was a great class. After class I jumped into the pool with the waterfall. I stood under the waterfall for a good five minutes and received a hard free massage.
After lunch we had our anatomy test. Before the anatomy test we got introduced to more visiting teachers. We got to meet Jenn Steff, who has become famous to all up and coming trainees for her blog she wrote while at Spring Training here. She was a god send for a lot of students preparing to come to training this fall. I actually printed off her packing list she had posted and went through it to get an idea of what to bring with me. Totally helpful.
So the anatomy test started out with total disorganization. They handed out the tests then realized they didn’t have enough so we had to hand them back in. Diane entertained us with answering posture questions while they went and photocopied some more. It was a ten minute delay then we did our last and final anatomy test, YAAAY!
After the test we were back into our anatomy groups. I preformed both eagle and standing head to knee. For eagle, I had no corrections, ‘just keep doing what you are doing, its working, and you are rocking the dialogue”. I had not practiced standing head to knee yet with bodies. Damien and I semi did it last night but only the one time so I wasn’t feeling to confident, but I did it anyways. They told me I had great speed in that posture and Lyndsey asked if I liked this posture in class. I told her the truth which is…I love is at home, but I am not loving it here. I still do it but I am not loving it like I used to. She said that she could tell in voice at what parts I was enjoying because it came out in my disconnect with the students in one or two sentences. She said it will get better because things are changing and shifting all the time here so its going to happen.
Evening class was taught by Bikram. Before it started I spotted Jenn Steff on her mat beside her training buddy Todd. I went over and introduced myself to them and we started talking about training and exchanging stories. I was bugging Todd because he had brought back his big orange water jug to use. Jenn has down graded to a smaller red one, oh the memories they have with those water jugs, lol. Todd has lost 45 pounds since starting training in the spring, I guess that gave him the right to practice with his shirt on today.
Bikram’s boil has popped and now he is back with a vengeance. The class started out with some jokes, smiles and a gun (muscle) show. Throughout class he was telling us how lazy we were, how everyone had excuses for not doing postures, which equals lazy people in life. The class was brought to an abrupt stop after half tortoise (5th last posture). Bikram told us that we were pissing him off and wasting his time, and that none of us are capable of being teachers. He then threw down his microphone head set and stormed out of class, telling us he wasn't finishing class.
There were major break downs going on after he walked out. There were five people around me just sobbing on their mats. People stopped to comfort them but the staff came in and told them to leave them by themselves. Walking out of the building and looking around, people didn’t know whether it was appropriate to smile and laugh or not. Personally I’m glad it happened and I'm surprised it took until week four. At the pool, some people were talking about how it was nice to be let out early, it was already a 110 minute class and there was still four postures to go. Are you kidding me, I feel jipped I never got to do all the postures. Bikram gave up on us in that room exactly how people give up on themselves in life. The hardest thing to do sometimes is to look at yourself in the mirror. My mind gives me a thousand reasons to say no and quit, but my heart won’t let me stop.
I remember when I was on the last day of my challenge, day 101 and Ricky was teaching. Before class I made a comment that I was going to do the first breathing exercise and then lie down the rest of class. I didn’t have it in me to do that and he called me on it half way through class, he knew I was too stubborn to just sit there. I don’t know why this story came to my finger tips but it made me think about all the times I have wanted to just sit out at posture at this training, but didn’t. Even when I had the option to, and my mind was made up I couldn’t stop. I know Bikram sees the potential in us and I think this is his way of giving us a kick in the ass. I can’t wait to see what he has in store for us tonight at lecture.
Back from evening lecture……
When we were in the lecture hall waiting for Bikram the staff told us to be absolutely quiet and still while we wait for Bikram. Bikram arrived with a smile on his face and his hair still in a little bun above his head. He said he had a nice filling dinner of cauliflower and potatoes and was so angry he forgot to take his hair bun down from class. He told us why he got so mad in class, 65% of the class was lying doing nothing on their mats by triangle (half way point of class). After class he went upstairs and did his own yoga by thinking and talking the other teachers about this. He started to think and realize that something wasn’t right and it wasn’t just the students.
He then proceeded to tell us that he called the guy who did the heating system for the room and told him “to get his Mexican ass on the plane and get down to the torture chamber NOW”. So needless to say the guy was on the plane tonight on his way to the Fairmont to look at the room. Bikram went on to tell us that never in all the teacher trainings has he seen so many dead bodies on the ground in week 4, hence pissing him off. He realized that there wasn’t enough fresh air coming into the room, therefore we were all breathing in carbon dioxide the entire time in the room. The last couple days the only way they have been getting fresh air into the room is by opening the two back doors near the end of class. He also went on to say that is one of most extreme conditions in terms of humidity that they have ever had at teacher training, and they can’t control it in the room. He still blamed us though, saying we were killing each other by working so hard and giving each other the carbon dioxide to breathe, it’s a lose lose situation, lol.
After he explained that to us, Bikram lectured again for a couple hours about karma yoga. He told us some stories too, the most interesting one being the time he met Elvis Presley two weeks before he died. I was very intrigued by this story, the guy has met everybody. When he finished lecturing we got to watch three 45 minute movies to do with Yogananda. We are only on episode three so maybe by episode 80 we will start to understand exactly what those sub titles are talking about. Bed time was 2am tonight, I’m sure I will craving the yoga in the AM after only five hours of sleep.

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