Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Posture clinic groups begin

So Monday started off pretty, well, I don’t know the word to describe it, exhausting already. I tried to go to bed early last night (Sunday) around 9 but I had a soar throat which got progressively worse throughout the day. I couldn’t even swallow without clenching my teeth because it hurt so much. I also had a little ear ache, I am used to getting these, as I usually get them when the seasons change. This one is not nearly as bad as the ones I get a home but still, its an ear ache, and I didn’t bring anything to cure it. Every time I got up to go to the bathroom last night I gargled my throat with salt and water, it actually helps a little. By 11, I had still not fallen asleep so I decided to break open the pack of Benelyn all in one, that mom had insisted I bring…big hug. I took one of those and was out until the alarm went off this morning. My throat still hurt a little but I didn’t need to clench my teeth when I swallowed anymore. My ear ache is still lingering, I think its deciding whether or not to stick around. There are three or four people here that have gotten ear infections already, whether from the pool, weather, or sweat. They all had to buy ear drops in order to treat it, so cross your fingers for me in hopes that I don’t have to resort to that.
Today is the first official day of our posture clinic groups. That means that we now have assigned lines in the room in which we have to practice on. I went in the very back row, I got there a little later than usual so I had to squeeze in. It worked out great though because I was between two people who had great energy. While everyone else in our row and in front of us went down we fed off of each other and finished with high fives. During the class the fans had gone off in the room, it was very stuffy and hard to breathe. We were told we had the 78% humidity pumping into the room with no circulation, talk about fun. Remember when the fans weren’t working at our studio for a while, picture that when the room is completely full, like the evening classes, like I said, FUN! Oh, class was taught by Diane from Boston. I felt great after class as I hoped I would, I still couldn’t believe it was only Monday though.
After lunch we had our anatomy test, don’t know how I did, we should find out the marks tomorrow. After the test we had more anatomy, three chapters for our test next Monday, that’s it. We still did not receive our books, and Bikram was mad about that so he had the staff photocopy the pages we needed for the next exam.
After Anatomy the staff went over and talked about how the posture clinics are going to work, and where each room was located. After they cleared all that up there was two more people to present their half moon dialogue. Bikram wasn’t there this afternoon but Diane and Jim took the pleasure of critiquing them. They also talked about ways to help us memorize the dialogue and such. I think most of us figured that out before we got here, others though are still figuring it out.
We got let out right before 4 so I laid down for twenty minutes and I was out. Class was taught by Bikram and again was good. I was between Michelle and Jonathon and we just did our thing. The fans went off again in class so they opened the doors for a posture to give us some air but it was still really stuffy. I felt good again after class but did not have the energy to make supper, so I ordered pizza from downstairs. For a 20 inch pizza and a coke it was $20, including tip, and I even have left overs. It will have to eaten cold but still, good food, good deal. I don’t even remember the last time I had a coke, can you imagine how good it tasted, mmmmm.
At 9oclock we started our first day of posture clinic with our groups. I only knew one other person before that was in my group. I brought along my super comfortable chair that Auntie Shirley lent me. I know it saved her butt a couple times at those folk festivals she attends, lol. It truly is going to save my butt and back over the next six or seven weeks. Lyndsay who graduated in Spring 06 was our lead. I went up and did my back bending and hands to feet pose, she checked off my name and saw that I was from Edmonton. She is opening a studio in Calgary in the next year and mentioned that to me before I started. I told her if I was ever in Calgary I would come teach for her and she said, “well I will decide on your performance”, to which everyone groaned, lol. So I did it, loud, proud and in charge, I owned that stage, I got stumped on one line but I repeated the previous line again, took a deep breath and kept on trucking. When I finished Lyndsay said, “I’d hire you, for sure”. One full posture down, 25 more to go, we continue tomorrow.
So now I am going to take this opportunity to give a shout out to my Grandma. Oh and Grandma, shout out means, “Heeeeeeeeeey Grandma”, lol, (lol…that means laugh out loud). Grandma isn’t too computer literate but Mom told me that when she was visiting a family friend (Hi Jud-i), she sat down at the computer and read my blog. I am sure Grandma doesn’t know what a blog is and I can just picture her trying to explain it to Grandpa, oh dear. I seriously laughed out loud when Mom told me that Grandma sat down and read it, she is so cute. Some of my younger family members can’t even keep up with my day to day blogs and Grandma spent an afternoon trying to understand the darn thing. I know before I left she didn’t really understand why I was going away for so long and the whole process. Now that she reads this I am sure she thinks to herself, “I don’t understand why someone would do that to themselves”. Don’t worry Grandma I will come back stronger than ever. The only thing Grandpa said to me before I left was, “I hope they don’t like freckles in Mexico, then they won’t keep you”. Ha ha, oh he makes me laugh.
Well time for some sleep, its only Monday night and I feel exhausted right now because it is taking extra energy to fight whatever is trying to take over my body right now.

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