Sunday, October 26, 2008

Be nice to me please

Michael Harris taught the 8am class this morning. He taught a nice easy class with lots of breaks in between postures and the doors open the entire class. It was a 110 minute class but no one seemed to mind. In postures such as second part of awkward, standing head to knee, and standing bow, he let the peeps in the posture hold it until they fell out. The guy who held it the longest in awkward is one of the oldest guys here. I think he is in his late 50’s and he is from Brooklyn. At the end of the posture Michael labelled him the old young guy.
My body did not want to do anything for me today. As I stood on my mat my body said to me ‘I’ve been good to you, be nice please’. My entire body felt tired, I think it knew it was Saturday, time for a little rest. I pushed through it and promised myself that at the end of class I would jump in the big pool and sit under the waterfall.
Today in class Michael was trying to inspire us to give it all we got while we are here for the next three weeks. He told those who have been hiding in the shadows that now is the time to step up. He told us that everyone here has a story. I know this is true for every Bikram Yoga student whether at training or at any studio. Any one who has taken a Bikram class has a story about how it has helped them or why they began it. He said among us trainees was a snow boarding champ. She has all the bumps, bruises and ailments all over her body from that sport. Her knees became very week where she could only be on her board for a couple hours a day. To compete she needed to be on the board constantly, but her body wasn't holding up as good as it once did. She found Bikram yoga, and hasn’t looked back since. She is now in our teacher training so she can help people fix their bodies and lives. As for the snow boarding part I know she still does it but not sure about the competing part.
At the end ofclass I enjoyed a twenty minute savasana and then kept the promise to myself as I jumped into the big pool with Robert from my group. It felt so nice to cool down in there after.
After lunch I did some laundry and then took a nap. I only woke up because my stomach was eating itself, besides the maid needed to clean the room anyways. I went to the lounge area by myself and nailed down another posture. After that, Eleni and I went down stairs for some ice cream, then walked down by the ocean for a bit but decided to come back when we kept getting harassed to buy things. It was worse than being in Rome.
There was a bbq tonight being hosted by the hotel for all us Bikramites. It was $20 for the meal, and I was not impressed. My hamburger was not cooked, and I absolutely refuse to eat meat when it is still red. I don’t eat seafood so the fish was out. There were hot dogs but I haven’t eaten those since I was in elementary school. I guess I am just spoiled with our Alberta beef, and I kind of like it. I can’t wait to get home and eat one of Mom’s home made burgers, mmm.
After being disappointed with the meat choices our table decided that we would fill up on dessert. That idea kind of crashed when we went up and there were only three options. There was rice pudding, some flan cake thing that had corn in it, and some other cake. We were totally disappointed to see no chocolate.
Next item on the menu after the dinner was a bon fire. They had it set up so we could roast marshmallows on bamboo sticks around a fire pit, totally neat. I was really excited because we were told we could make smores. I don’t know about here, but when I go camping we make smores with graham crackers and chunks of chocolate. On the buffet they had graham crumbs that didn’t taste like anything near graham flavoring. They also had chocolate sauce and chocolate chips. I found it to be a really weird choice of toppings to choose from. Oh well, all in all, the hotel tried and it’s the thought that counts and it was nice to see everyone dressed up. It’s funny to see the other side of people when you see what they wear when they get dressed up.

The picture is of me and my room mate Eleni waiting for the bbq.

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